We believe that learning about Jesus, reading the New Testament in the language it was written in, is such a joy and so important that we want to help remove all barriers for those who want to learn!


Do you want to take a course with us but can’t afford it? Do you live in a country where standard income levels put our course tuition out of reach? We are passionate about providing financial assistance to those from developing countries! And for those in Western countries, too, we know that the present COVID-19 situation has created financial difficulties for many. We want to help.

In fact, the love of God compels us to think about others’ needs.

Our financial assistance program works like this. For those with financial challenges, we offer a discount on your tuition in exchange for services that you do for us. And we will “pay” you a fair wage for work you do for ΟΜΙΛΕΙΝ. We would be grateful to have your contribution. And there are a number of ways that we can use your assistance.

Note that, at a given time, acceptance into the financial assistance program may depend, in part, on the current workload and needs here at ΟΜΙΛΕΙΝ and the number of applicants for financial assistance and their skills and experience.

The application for the financial assistance program has three parts.


Part 1

Help us understand your financial situation. Please fill out this “Statement of Financial Need” form.


Part 2

Next, let us know what your skill set is. What are you good at? How can we best put you to work for us? Please fill out this “Applicant Skills Assessment” form.


part 3

Finally, please help us hear from others who can confirm your financial need and speak to your work ethic and skill competence. Please have two individuals (other than family members) fill out this “Reference Questionnaire” form and send it to us directly.


Please fill out the first two documents (Part 1 and Part 2) and email them to us at support@omilein.org.

Then please have each of your two references email us directly at support@omilein.org with their filled-out “Reference Questionnaire” form (Part 3).

We are looking forward to hearing from you – and to having you as part of the team for a while!